Saturday, January 9, 2010 be or ....not to be be there or not?..........Lend a thought
Hi Friends,
Would like to share a few thoughts which struck my mind today while watching a certain T.V program.............
In Today's times , where Equality of genders holds importance, is Chivalry towards the fairer sex important?
In older times, say, the start of the 20th century, when a lady entered the room , the gentlemen stood up in chivalry, pulled out a chair for her, held the door open for her, etc....... This was a part of the cultured society norms.
Even the ancient Indian Culture advocates respect and care for the fairer sex, in various scriptures and books .
Nowadays , with the women's liberation movement , and the Equality clause coming into being, these gestures are going amiss.
Often we come across such examples.......... the most common being the Metro........where men have forgotten their basics even........ whether it is a lady, an elderly respected citizen - (be it male or female), a pregnant woman, someone with a child.......... noone has the basic manners even to vacate a seat they occupy or even offer one.......!!!!!
Another very common example on our roads is, someone struggling to cross the road , but noone stopping the car to facilitate or allow him/her to do so............ we are just running madly in the day - to- day race. No one has the time or basic manners or I would like to use the word ...........Empathy to do so.
Today , as respected and responsible citizens , do we have the basic courtesy to stop when the Traffic signal turns red ......... leave aside yellow, when we actually are supposed to stop?
My son asked me once, " Mom why do you stop, when others after you are just rushing away and not paying heed that the light has turned Red? why do you need to stop?"
To which I answered," Son, If we as sensible, responsible and literate citizens of the country , donot abide by rules, how do we expect illiterates or the others to.........and this leads to accidents and the so called increased trend of roadrages or roadfights nowadays . Plus, it is our duty to set an example rather than follow the wrong mob!!"
Do you all think this is right what I said?
What are we passing on to our youngsters, in the name of values and culture?
Just the Hi Dad culture.......... where we will see insensitive citizens in future , who'll mess their lives with incidents like the infamous BMW case,or the Jessica Lal case or many others which have followed or will follow!
I am sincerely not against it (Hi culture) , but, these certain basics are the very elementary things to learn n practise.
Today , they are seeing us do the same.......... so they are learning these insensitive values............
How many of us offer a seat to someone more deserving , at public places?
How many of us help a blind person cross the road , despite being busy or in a hurry?
How many of us lend a helping hand to someone in need?
How many of us spend time with the elder generations at our own homes ? .......... they are the ones who have brought us to this level of success where we are today and they just need a little bit of attention and care in the dusk of their lives when they have slowed down......
Have we forgotten that we too will be or may be in such situations someday in what are we sowing for our future............... INSENSITIVITY????
Coming back to our initial thought................. Chivalry and basic manners...........
Specifically addressed to my male counterparts............ I would like to help you win the hearts of your lovely ladies........ be it girlfriends, or wives, or someone you plan to woo..............
Ladies are always impressed with guys, who are chivalrous and courteous, and have the extra dash of manners, over and above the so-called machoism, they are supposed to be proud of............
Nowadays, females give a lot of importance to the inner qualities you all possess , while assessing someone.......
Though she may be equal on the professional front , still if you show little acts of chivalry ....... you earn a respect in her eyes.
Chivalrous acts like pulling the chair for a female, offering a seat at a public place to someone worthy or in need, humanly acts of helping someone in need (not monetarily but physically), holding the door open to the lady (instead of banging it on her face when she is walking behind you) , showing little-little acts of care........ asking her if she needs a glass of water etc.............. will earn you respect and appreciation, not only on the professional but the personal front too!
On the personal front, it will add to the love, care and sensitivity factor and will be reciprocated equally or rather even more from your female counterparts!
So Go ahead and Win appreciation and hearts, of the ones you all Love!!!
And more so, Be live examples for the generations ahead so that they too respect you all , to impart good values and culture to them!
this is Smita.D.Kumar( Anupam Sinha's friend)
signing off......
again with my weird set of ideas from ......
a mind with chemical Locha

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